
O'Reilly Radar 2004

やっぱり聞いていても、分からないのでひとまず要約してみます。 原文 http://www.itconversations.com/transcripts/168/transcript-print168-1.html 要約(おもしろいところだけ) p.6 So that�s really what this talk is about. It�s really summed up by t…

What is Web2.0? (O'Reilly Radar)

要約 Web 2.0 is about systems that harness collective intelligence. 原文 I took a stab at answering the question What is Web 2.0? in an essay I wrote for distribution at our Web 2.0 Conference. The essay will disappoint those who look for …

The O'Reilly Radar

再チャレンジ。 元ねたはhttp://www.itconversations.com/shows/detail168.html 要約